An expert panel delves into the classic debate between laissez-faire and interventionism, as it plays out in our nation’s politics. What is the proper relationship between liberalism and free markets? And in a democracy, who decides what to prioritize? Featuring:

  • Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate, New York Times columnist, senior scholar at the Stone Center and distinguished professor at The Graduate Center.
  • Heather Boushey, executive director and chief economist, Washington Center for Equitable Growth.
  • Richard Epstein, professor of law and director of the Classical Liberal Institute, NYU. 



This event was the keynote of the conference Liberalism and Democracy: Past, Present, Prospects. Presented on October 2, 2018, by GC Public Programs, the Ph.D. Program in History, and The New School. For more events at The Graduate Center, go to