Research and Data

Lakner-Milanovic World Panel Income Distribution

This database contains a panel of country-deciles covering the twenty year period 1988-2008, expressed in common currency and prices (2005 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) dollars derived from the 2005 International Comparison Project). B. Milanovic and C. Lakner. 2013.

2024-01-30T13:31:30-04:00December 15, 2013|

Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg, LIS

J.C. Gornick, B.H. Ragnarsdottir, and S. Kostecki. In Understanding Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences. B. Kleiner, I. Renschler, B. Wernli, P. Farago, and D. Joye (eds). pp. 89-99. Zurich: Seismo. 2013.

2019-09-21T15:08:00-04:00July 26, 2013|

Pre-industrial Inequality

B. Milanovic, P.H. Lindert, and J.G. Williamson. The Economic Journal. vol. 121, no. 551. pp. 255-272. 2011.

2019-09-18T21:26:13-04:00March 8, 2011|
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