Author: Branko Milanovic

Institution: Stone Center Working Paper Series. no. 69

Date: June 2023


The paper uses fifty social tables, ranging from Greece in 330 BC to Mexico in 1940 to estimate the share and level of income of the top 1 percent in pre-industrial societies. The share of the top 1 percent covers a vast range from around 10 percent to more than 40 percent of society’s income and does not always move together with the estimated Gini coefficient and the Inequality Extraction Ratio. I provide a taxonomy of pre-industrial societies based on the social class and type of assets (land, control of government, merchant capital, citizenship) that are associated with the top classes as well as lack of assets associated with poverty.

Link: How Rich Were the Rich? An Empirically-Based Taxonomy of Pre-Industrial Bases of Wealth

Published Version: Explorations in Economic History (July 2024)