
Senator Elizabeth Warren and Paul Krugman in Conversation

Watch Senator Elizabeth Warren and Paul Krugman address a range of topics, such as consumer safeguards, student loan refinancing, bankruptcy protection, banking controls, minimum wage reform and women’s health care.

2019-09-25T21:56:33-04:00September 12, 2014|

Panel: Income Inequality LIS Book Launch

In this video, panelists and editors discuss "Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries" at its launch.

2019-09-25T19:53:07-04:00November 25, 2013|

Women’s Employment, Unpaid Work, and Economic Inequality

N. Folbre, J.C. Gornick, H. Connolly, and T. Munzi. In Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries. J.C. Gornick and Markus Jäntti (eds). pp. 234-260. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. 2013.

2020-08-17T13:51:43-04:00August 1, 2013|
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