
Inequality in New York City and the Impact of Local Policy

James Parrott, in this presentation for the Stone Center’s Inequality by the Numbers 2023 virtual workshop, provides an update on his 2020 presentation, showing long-term trends in wages, employment, and inequality in New York City, including during the pandemic, and demonstrating the importance of local public policy in reducing racial and economic inequality.

2023-04-19T09:20:36-04:00April 18, 2023|

New Deal Policy and the Racialization of Homeownership

Jacob Faber, in this presentation for the Stone Center’s Inequality by the Numbers 2023 virtual workshop, assembles archival and census data from the past one hundred years to examine the long-term impact of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC, which was responsible for redlining) on large, enduring Black-white disparities in home ownership.

2023-04-19T11:07:49-04:00April 18, 2023|

Racialized Generational Homeownership Inequality

Brandon Martinez, in this presentation for the Stone Center’s Inequality by the Numbers 2023 virtual workshop, brings together research on intergenerational mobility and racial/ethnic inequalities in home ownership to examine the differential impact of parental home ownership on children’s socio-economic attainment across racial/ethnic groups.

2023-04-19T09:20:01-04:00April 18, 2023|
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