Promoting Work-Family Balance
D. Bakst, S. Leiwant, and J.C. Gornick. In Toward a 21st Century for All: Progressive Policies for New York City in 2013 and Beyond. J. Mollenkopf (ed). pp. 246-288. New York: CUNY. 2013.
D. Bakst, S. Leiwant, and J.C. Gornick. In Toward a 21st Century for All: Progressive Policies for New York City in 2013 and Beyond. J. Mollenkopf (ed). pp. 246-288. New York: CUNY. 2013.
J.C. Gornick and M. Jäntti (eds). Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. 2013.
L. McCall. Cambrige, MA: Cambridge University Press. 2013.
P. Frase and J.C. Gornick. Social Forces. vol. 91, no. 3. pp. 697–724. 2013.
M. Corak. The Center for American Progress. 2012.
K.S. Lyness, J.C. Gornick, P. Stone, and A.R. Grotto. American Sociological Review. vol. 77, no. 6. 2012.
J.C. Gornick, C. Howes, and L. Braslow. In For Love and Money: Care Provision in the United States. N. Folbre (ed). pp. 140-182. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2012.
J.C. Gornick, C. Howes, and L. Braslow. In For Love and Money: Care Provision in the United States. N. Folbre (ed). pp. 112-139. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2012.
J.C. Gornick and M. Jäntti. Children and Youth Services Review. vol. 34, no. 3. pp. 558-568. 2012.
A. Hegewisch and J.C. Gornick. Community, Work & Family. vol. 14, no. 2. pp. 119-138. 2011.