On the Distribution of Estates and the Distribution of Wealth: Evidence from the Dead
Y. Berman and S. Morelli. NBER. 2021.
Y. Berman and S. Morelli. NBER. 2021.
In this lecture, Branko Milanovic discusses income inequality in the work of David Ricardo and Karl Marx.
B. Nolan, J. Palomino, P. Van Kerm, and S. Morelli. Economics Letters. vol. 199. 2021.
In this lecture, Branko Milanovic presents how the classical writers François Quesnay and Adam Smith discussed inequality and how their discussion may be interpreted in the terms of interpersonal inequality.
In this blog post, Brian Nolan and his coauthors discuss their research on patterns of wealth transfers across generations and the role this plays in wealth accumulation.
In this interview, Nora Lustig discusses the importance of accurately assessing the very top of the income and wealth distributions when analyzing inequality.
In this presentation, Janet Gornick presents an overview of resources available through LIS, the cross-national data archive.
In this presentation, Lane Kenworthy offers an overview of trends in several measures of income inequality across a set of 21 rich democracies.
A. Lindh and L. McCall. Annual Review of Sociology. vol. 46, no. 1. pp. 419–441. 2020.
J. C. Gornick, B. Milanovic, and N. Johnson. Stone Center Working Paper Series. no. 20. 2020.