
Preindustrial Inequality

B. Milanovic. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Palgrave Macmillan (eds). London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2009.

2019-09-18T21:40:53-04:00December 1, 2009|

Global Inequality and Poverty

F. Bourguignon, F. Ferreira, M. Ravallion, and B. Milanovic. In The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. K.A. Reiner, R.S. Rajan, A.J. Glass, and L.S. Davis (eds). pp. 542-550. Cambridge, MA: Princeton University Press. 2009.

2019-09-21T11:53:04-04:00August 7, 2008|

Globalization and Inequality

B. Milanovic. In Global Inequality: Patterns and Explanations. D. Held and A. Kaya (eds). pp. 26-49. London: Polity Press. 2007.

2019-09-21T12:03:07-04:00January 8, 2007|
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