Social/Family Policy

Panel: The Future of Healthcare in America

In this video, The New York Times' Margot Sanger-Katz hosts a panel of experts with diverse points of view on healthcare policy.

2019-09-23T16:39:27-04:00October 17, 2017|

Panel: The Fragile Social Safety Net (The First 100 Days)

Watch a panel of leading thinkers and analysts discuss what is likely to happen in the next four years, provide insights into the reforms that they would like to see, and explain why these programs matter.

2019-09-23T17:03:23-04:00April 27, 2017|

The Economics of Work-Life Conflict

In this video, Heather Boushey and Janet Gornick discuss why resolving work-life conflicts is as vital for individuals and families as it is for our country’s productivity.

2019-09-25T21:51:57-04:00April 26, 2016|

The Great Escape—Health, Wealth, and Inequality

In this video, Angus Deaton traces the dramatic increase in human prosperity over the past 250 years as well as the widening gap between the poor and sick, and the rich and well.

2019-09-25T21:40:19-04:00October 15, 2015|
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